New Ruby Friend

by Sean

I went out into the night;
Not in search for love —
Though that was heavy on my mind —
But in search for the ruby-red jewel,
Where my silver friend
Most commonly plays.

Instead, I was greeted
Not with welcoming arms
But with a lack of anything at all.

Though I can’t complain,
Not to you —
How selfish that would be.
For my mistress; stygian in complexion.
Was warm and begged of me,
“Stay awhile longer.”

I contemplated cowardice.
In that moment —
In her arms.

But I did not act.
At least, I think I did not.
There is still time,
Time for me to broker no exchange,
But to simply flee,
Heedless of consequence.

Return I must, I think
I must, return
I think, I shall.